Soon the power of rubbed amber will be harnessed such that it may lift not only feathers but also our spirits with melody. It is for these instruments that my music is intended, although I may never be fortunate enough to hear it played in this manner.
Rather than this crude system of blowing and bowing directly on our instruments, why can we not exert our effort on other controlling devices, such that our musical expressions can be translated into glorious numbers and symbols before they reach our ears?
The choir shall be divydede into two partes, the fyrst as with traditione, and the seconde where all voyces shall be produced through the keyboarde and handes in free ayre.
Because the pilgrims wish to sing and dance while they keep their watch at night in the church of the Blessed Mary of Montserrat, and also in the light of day; and in the church no songs should be sung unless they are chaste and pious, for that reason these songs that appear here have been written. And these songs shall be performed with things that the pilgrims have carried with them, taking care to purposefully disturb those in contemplation.